
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baked Sunday Mornings - Carrot Coconut Scones with Citrus Glaze

I joined Baked Sunday Mornings after the Nutella Scones were on the recipe schedule. I have a hard time resisting anything with Nutella and had to make these. They were amazing. A scone-loving co-worker even commented that they were the best scones he had ever eaten.

So I was excited to try the next scone recipe from the book, Carrot Coconut Scones with Citrus Glaze. The carrot/coconut combination seemed a bit odd at first, but these are standard ingredients in carrot cake so it actually makes a lot of sense.

The recipe calls for carrot puree instead of shredded carrots. I followed the instructions in the book to put a carrot and some orange juice in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and microwave for five minutes. I mentioned in my last Baked Sunday Mornings post that I have found some of the instructions in Baked Explorations to be not complete or as well-written as they could be and this one fell into that category. My carrot was burning after about three minutes. I threw that one out and started over and found that two and half to three minutes was sufficient to cook the carrot until soft. While I liked the carrot puree idea, I think using shredded carrots would work just as well and would dirty fewer dishes.

The dough from both of the scone recipes I have made from this book has been a bit difficult to work with. I decided both times to work it as lightly as possible, as recommended, and not to be concerned with extra flour or the dough not looking well combined. And both times it has been fine. Scones are rustic in nature and shouldn't look perfect. The light, flakey texture is far more important, and rewarding, than a picture-perfect pastry.

I loved the combination of the carrot and coconut with the citrus. Crystallized ginger would be an amazing addition to add a little spicy kick and I wish I had thought of it when I was baking this instead of as I was writing this. Next time!

Check out the other Baked devotees rendition of this recipe at the Baked Sunday Mornings blog.


  1. Great job on your scones! I missed the nutella ones, but I think I just might to have to make them on my own! I too was unsure about the flavor combo, but it turned out fine, of course, the Baked guys know what they are doing :)

  2. Mmm, crystallized ginger, now that's a great idea! I hear you on the burning carrot; I forgot to mention it in my post, but I had a similar experience. The carrot didn't need the full five minutes, and my orange juice was boiling over the top of the bowl. The scones were awesome, though!

  3. Your scones look pretty! I was thinking the same thing about shredding the carrots next time, but I loved the taste of the orange juice, so maybe I'll soak the shredded carrots in a little bit of juice before adding them to the dough. I like your idea of the crystallized ginger.

  4. I missed a few recipes at the beginning. You have reminded to go back and bake the nutella scones. I'll be more interested now as today's scones were so good...I've not been a scone lover in the past, but am changing my mind.

  5. Yikes... no one like a burnt carrot! But you'd never know - they look wonderfully-glazed! Your idea of ginger is a hit too - with me! Here's to scones!

  6. Great minds think alike in re: ginger! Your glaze looks great; in retrospect, I think mine was a bit runny. And I had a similar experience with the carrot and totally agree that shredded carrot would work fine in these.

  7. I agree- ginger would be perfect! I also had issues with the microwave. I'm just glad they still tasted good. Your scones look great!

  8. Your scones look great! And the drizzle is perfect.

  9. I made my carrot puree by roasting them because I don't have a microwave and that worked great. Your icing drizzle is perfect! These look great.

  10. These look delicious! What wonderful ingredients you've used.

  11. Yum, those look delicious. I've been craving something sweet with carrots in it...these look just about perfect.

  12. Did occur to me the parallel between this scone and carrot cake. Now that you mentioned it, I agree it makes sense.

  13. Found some great recipes on your blog. Those Derby Caramels are calling my name!

  14. I love everything about these! They look delectable!

  15. Your scones look absolutely delicious-everyone is raving about these and I'm so sorry I didn't take the time to bake them-well they are my to do list now after seeing everyone's results.


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