
Friday, April 22, 2011

FFWD - Mustard Batons

Another quick and easy French Fridays with Dorie recipe.

Mustard batons are simply dijon mustard on puff pastry that is finished with a dusting of seeds. Dorie's recipe called for poppy seeds but I decided to use some black sesame seeds. I went easy on the mustard but would have been happy with more.

These were delicious and would be perfect for a fancy cocktail party or a casual get together. I loved this technique and immediately started thinking of other combinations; honey and mustard, mango chutney, pimento cheese... The options are endless.

Around My French Table is full of easy recipes like this that make cooking accessible, and more importantly, joyful. Check out the rest of the French Fridays with Dories group, here.


  1. Ooh, I should have used black sesame seeds...they look fabulous!!!

  2. This one was so easy, but so good & definitely lends itself to change ups! Mango chutney... Hmmmm.

  3. I used a mixture of white and black sesame seeds and they were visually interesting and taste good too. Your batons look great!

  4. Ooh, sesame seeds sound good!

  5. These batons look so inviting on your tray;-) Don't you just love the quick and easy recipes that are this scrumptious;-)

  6. Love the black sesame seeds! Your batons look fab!

  7. I could've handled more mustard too! YUM! I love how you added the black sesame seeds, they're so pretty!

  8. I used regular sesame ... I didn't even know they had black! lol. These look great!

  9. I used black sesame seeds too. I found some Gomo Shio which is black sesame seeds with salt and sugar crystals. The options are endless.

  10. I used white sesame on some and caraway on the others. Boy I liked that caraway...but it is all good :) Nana and I loved the mustard recipe and can't wait to play around with more variations. Right after we finish all the Easter goodies....

  11. I didn't know there are black seseme seeds! They look great!

  12. Those look great - black sesame seeds were a good choice. I love your chutney idea, too.

  13. Sesame seeds are way more flavorful than poppy seeds. Great choice!

  14. That looks yummy and I'll keep it in mind for the next time I have extra puff to use up.


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