
Friday, May 6, 2011

FFWD - Tourteau de Chevre

I love goat cheese. So it was no surprise when I ended up with three packages of goat cheese in my refrigerator. Not three of the same brand of cheese. Not even three of the same type of cheese. One was a small log of standard grocery store goat cheese. The second was one I picked up from the clearance bin at the cheese counter, and the third was a local goat cheese that I regularly buy at the farmer's market.

Dorie's Tourteau de Chevre couldn't have come at a bettter time. I gathered up my various packages of goat cheese and started baking. I chose to make the sweet tart crust because I wanted this to be more dessert than appetizer. This comes together rather easily and after baking in the oven for a while (I had to bake it longer than Dorie suggested before it set) I was anxious to give this unique tart/torte/cake a try.

It was good, not really sweet yet not really savory. After a couple of bites I decided to drizzle some honey across my slice and could definately see this as a dessert with some fruit. I could also see this as an elegant appetizer alongside some nuts and maybe some chutney.

While I enjoyed it, this is not something I think I would make again. A bit too complicated for an appetizer and not sweet enough for dessert maybe?


  1. Yes, I agree that it's not too strong one way or another and my tastebuds like a definite distinction between what's savory and what's sweet. I drizzled honey too and it immediately tasted better, although I must say, your cheesecake looks marvelous!

  2. This one could definitely go either way, for sure. I kept mine plain so I could make my mind up about it - I am not sure which way I would take it in the future. I do have one lone piece left I could try with honey. HMMMMM

  3. I like the height of your tourteau! Great post!

  4. I think the versatility of this recipe can be a big plus. Depending on what you end up topping the cheesecake, it can fit in as appetizer, cheese course, or dessert. How cool that you have all those goat cheese to choose from!

  5. Your having 3 different kinds of goat cheese on hand made me smile. You're my kind of girl!
    I had my doubts before making this, but I was pleasantly surprised by it. I'm collecting ideas on what to drizzle on top of my slice tonight. Honey seems to be what I'm leaning towards.

  6. Your tourteau looks gorgeous!! I used orange blossom water as a flavoring and I thought it gave it a lovely taste. More dessert tasting. Very nice post!

  7. Beautiful cake, I loved this recipe. It is surprising when you take a bite that it's not sweeter but I don't see why you couldn't add more sugar? But the drizzle of honey is a good idea. I'm making this again, I like it for an afternoon snack;-)

  8. Hilarious - I love goat cheese but you far outdid my inventory :) Nana and I are big fans of goat cheese and cheesecake, so it was no surprise that we enjoyed this one. Nana preferred it when it was chilled better but I think we will try honey or strawberries or such next time. Great post~

  9. Gorgeous tourteau! I loved the delicate flavor and the texture reminded me of japanese cheesecake.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I loved it for why you were unenthusiastic I guess. I thought it defied description which I often find appealing. I drizzled with honey and fruit and my guests loved it.


Tell me what ya think!