
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baked Sunday Mornings - Chocolate Mint Thumbprints

It feels like forever since I baked along with the Baked Sunday Mornings group even though I only missed one recipe!

This week we are making Chocolate Mint Thumbprints. Chocolate and mint are one of my very favorite flavor combo so I was looking forward to this recipe. Featuring a double hit of chocolate and mint, these cookies should have been chocolate-mintastic, but were okay, nothing spectacular.

Relatively simple for a Baked recipe, I found that I had all of the necessary ingredients on hand and was able to use up some bits of chocolate I had laying around. The cookie is a fairly basic chocolate cookie. I wish I had let the dough chill longer than the 30 minutes suggested in the book to keep them from spreading as much. I was hoping for thumbprints that were deep round wells to hold the filling, but mine ended up being more oval shaped, the result of my little thumbs. The thumbprint was filled with a white chocolate ganache flavored with peppermint extract. I did enjoy the crunch of the raw sugar.

I found that the texture and flavor of these cookies were much better when refrigerated as they sort of fell apart at room temp. To get the recipe and check out what the other bakers thought, visit our new site, here!


  1. i didn't try them at room temp, but thought they were almost fudgy cold, with the crunch from the sugar. i had a hard time trying to get them round too :) in any case, yours look great! sorry you didn't enjoy them very much!

  2. It's great to have you back baking with us, Candy! Sorry your were thrilled with them. We really loved the chocolate mint combo in these. I only made 2 dozen, but my family wished I had made the full recipe of 4!

  3. Look super!!! Even though they weren't a favorite. I can't wait to make them again - I found (last year) that chilling the dough made them crack? So this year I'm doing at room temp.

  4. Thanks for your welcoming comment on my site! Your cookies look beautiful! I think they are the perfect size. (I think mine came out too big!). Also..thanks to you...I realized that BSM's has a new page! Hope everyone's enjoying their minty cookies tonight! ;- )

  5. I liked these cookies even better the second day...seemed to hold up better, maybe due to the moisture in the filling.

  6. These look delicious! Every single Baked recipe sounds amazing.

  7. These didn't blow me away either. Since I am not a huge mint fan though, I am glad to hear that you (as a mint fan) did not care for them all that much either. It makes me feel a little better :) I chilled the dough overnight, and I am thinking that may have been my problem.

  8. I also thought these were much better cold -- and I love how smooth and creamy your filling looks! I personally wished these cookies were a bit more minty... maybe that would have made them chocolate-mintastic (I love this phrase!)!


Tell me what ya think!