
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Almond Galette

In my last post, I walked you through my first attempt at making puff pastry.  Stella Parks, recently named as one of Food and Wine's Best New Pastry Chefs, is a local chef and a fellow Kentucky Food Blogger and told me that the puff pastry I made was actually known as a blitz dough.  Puff, blitz, whatever you call it, I had so much fun making it and it took more than a few minutes to decide what I wanted to make with my lovely pastry.

Full of confidence, I decided to go all-out and make an almond galette.  I love desserts that look and feel like they took a lot of effort, but really don't.  This is definitely one of those desserts.  All wow with little work. I love the decorative flourishes on the top of the galette and was amazed at how easy it was to create with a butter knife and a twist of the hand.  

A sliver of this elegant pastry is perfect to enjoy for breakfast, as a snack, or for dessert.  I'm crazy about almonds and their intoxicating aroma and delicate flavor are the star here.  The filling is cradled between the flaky, tender crust and is full of texture, yet somehow still smooth.

My husband took this to some of my most faithful taste testers and they proclaimed it the best thing I've ever made.  While I don't know if I agree with that assessment, it certainly was delicious.

Linking to:  Tea Party Tuesday, Totally Tasty Tuesdays, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

Almond Galette
very slightly adapted from King Arthur Flour

1 pound puff pastry
1/2 cup almond filling (or 2/3 cup almond paste)
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 cup almond flour or very finely ground whole almonds
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon cold water

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Divide the pastry in half, and roll each piece into an 11" square.

Using a 10" round template (or a bowl with a 10" diameter), cut at 10" circle from one piece.  Use an 11" round template (or a bowl with an 11" diameter), cut an 11" circle from the second piece.

To make the filling:  beat the almond filling (or almond paste, if using), butter, sugar, and salt until creamy.  Add the egg yolks and vanilla, and beat until well incorporated.  Mix in the flours.  

To assemble the galette:  Place the smaller circle of pastry on the baking sheet. Spread the filling over the smaller circle, leaving a 1" rim around the edge of the pastry.  

To make the glaze:  Whisk the egg yolk and water in a bowl.  Brush some glaze over the uncovered edge of the smaller piece of pastry.

Center the larger round of dough over the filled bottom crust, and smooth it over the filling.  Using a fork, press and crimp the rim of the galette to seal.

Decorate the galette using the back of a knife to trace a pattern on the surface; poke 5 vent holes, and brush with the remaining glaze.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until it's golden.  Cool before serving.  


  1. This looks amazing! Almond desserts are always a big hit in my house. Stopping by from Tempt My Tummy Tuesday. I'm also your newest follower. :)

  2. Great recipe to use your puff pastry! I am a huge fan of almond flavoring, so I have no doubt I'd love this. Did you use almond paste or almond filling? What is almond filling?

    1. Hi Danielle! I used almond filling because I had some in the pantry. It is made by Solo and can usually be found by the pie fillings. They make a poppy seed filling too that is supposed to be wonderful.

  3. oh puff pastry, that stuff is good, a pain to make but so good!

  4. That is one seriously gorgeous dessert!! Definitely a great way to use your puff pastry. I'm weird in that I don't like whole almonds, but I love almond flavored things, so I am bookmarking this one!

  5. This is gorgeous. I love almond, this galette is perfect!

  6. If it involves almonds and flaky pastry, it's a winner in my book. Your galette looks golden and beautiful! I made something similar, a pithivier, once and it's definitely one of my favorite desserts. Your blog is lovely!


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