
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fast & Easy Puff Pastry

I was pretty sure I would never have the desire, much less attempt, to make puff pastry from scratch.  Why make something that is notoriously labor intensive when you can just pull out a box from the freezer?

But then I came across this recipe for Fast and Easy Puff Pastry from King Arthur Flour.  King Arthur Flour is always talking me to into doing, and buying, things I normally wouldn't.  Their catalogs and web site are full of too-good-to-be-true recipes and items all wrapped up in an aw-shucks, folksy demeanor.  I am a sucker and can't resist the temptation of their easy recipes and best sellers.

I don't think I have every been dissatisfied with anything I've tried from them.  And I ain't always easy to please.  So I decided to make their puff pastry.  

As promised, this recipe was fast and easy.  And delicious.  And comes together in about 20 minutes.  It takes longer than that to thaw the packaged stuff.  A bonus, making it yourself is significantly less expensive.  What's not to love here?

So what did I make with my made-with-my-own-two-hands puff pastry?  You'll have to stay tuned...

Whisk together flour, salt, and baking powder.

Add the butter.

Work the butter it in to make a coarse/crumbly mixture.  (It looks like I have a lobster claw instead of a hand here.)

Leave most of the butter in large, pea-sized pieces.

Stir in the sour cream.

Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface.

Bring the mixture together with a few quick kneads.  It may feel like you have a pile of crumbs that will never come together.

But it does.

Pat the dough into a rough log, and roll it into an 8" x 10" rectangle.  Pretend this is a perfect rectangle.  Geometry was not my best subject.

Dust both sides of the dough with flour, and starting with a shorter end, fold it in three like a business letter.

Flip the dough over, give it a 90 degree turn on your work surface, and roll it into an 8" x 10" rectangle.

 Fold it in three again.  Voila!  Puff Pastry!

Fast and Easy Puff Pastry

2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into pats
1/2 cup sour cream

Whisk together flour, salt, and baking powder.

Add the butter, working it in to make a coarse/crumbly mixture.  Leave most of the butter in large, pea-sized pieces.

Stir in the sour cream; the dough won't be cohesive.  Turn it out onto a floured work surface, and bring it together with a few quick kneads.

Pat the dough into a rough log, and roll it into an 8" x 10" rectangle.  

Dust both sides of the dough with flour, and starting with a shorter end, fold it in three like a business letter.

Flip the dough over, give it a 90 degree turn on your work surface, and roll it into an 8" x 10" rectangle.  Fold it in three again.

Chill the dough for at least 30 minutes before using.  To make pastry, roll into desired size.

Freeze dough for prolonged storage, up to 2 months.  To use, thaw in refrigerator overnight.


  1. Hi i what great recipe,i have never seen anybody make this by hand.I mean what site even in my some years in Restaurant foods.Great thing and i think you did a really great job.So hope to see other stuff that you post..Lou Reginato

  2. Very nice!! I've made a few homemade puff pastry recipes but somehow missed this one. I'm intrigued by the sour cream. Can't wait to see what you made with it!

  3. You made this look easy! I'd love to see the baked result.

  4. I'm right there with you- King Arthur and Bob's Red Mill tend to get me to make things I might never make. I have added this to my list for this week! Thanks!

  5. I've never made my own puff pastry before either but I do like fast and easy recipes, so thank you for sharing the recipe!

  6. I agree with you about King Arthur! I've had the same experience too--of not trying something that may have seemed difficult, but then deciding to finally give it a go because of a KA recipe. Your puff pastry looks great! I have never made it at home, though did learn how to make it the long, terrifying, complicated way at school. I should get brave and do a quickie version at home like your KA version. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. A few things: I had no idea puff pastry could be that easy. Also, I need to run over and check out the King Arthur website! Thanks for sharing all of this info. I can't wait to see what you create with your puff pastry!

  8. I've never wanted to even attempt it because every recipe I've seen has at least 3 or 4 sticks of butter. I love that this one uses sour cream in place of some of the butter. And now the question is, what are you going to use yours for? Can't wait to see!

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