
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Toffee Apple Dip

You know when you make something all the time, then kind of forget about it, and then one day it pops in your head and you can't relax until you make it again?  That's how it was for me this week with Toffee Apple Dip.

I forgot how awesome this little dip is.  It's creamy and sweet and crunchy and absolute perfection when sitting atop a crisp wedge of your favorite apple (fuji for me).  And it's apples so it's healthy!  At least that's what I tell myself.

The star ingredient is Heath toffee bits, also known by it's more fun name bit o'brickle.  I love these little nuggets but sometimes have a hard time finding them.  I see the chocolate covered version everywhere, and I have used those here, but I don't love the chocolate in this recipe.  Why add anything more when it's perfect as is?

Toffee Apple Dip

2 8 ounces packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 package Heath bits 

Using a stand or hand mixer, combine the cream cheese, brown sugar, and sugar until combined and fluffy.  Stir in Heath bits.  Serve with sliced apples.

Cook's Notes:  I usually halve this recipe and it works beautifully.  The dip is best served chilled and can be served the next day but the toffee will start to dissolve after a day.  It will still be delicious, but you won't get the crunch that is so great here.


  1. Thanks for sharing with us on Couponing & Cooking's Facebook page! I also pinned it too!

  2. Love this dip! It's delicious and easy to make. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am really loving all these cream cheese based dips! Thanks for the recipe :)
    Shiloh @ Shiloh's Taste


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