
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Baked Sunday Mornings - Malted Milk Sandwich Cookies

Man, I have had a serious case of the blogging blues lately!  Take Baked Sunday Mornings for example.  I made the Sunday Night Cake, Cheesy Focaccia, and last week's Banana Bread but just couldn't bring myself to blog about them.  Even though I loved them.  Just lazy, I reckon.

So this week I decided to not only make the Malted Milk Sandwich Cookies but blog about them as well.  Even on today, probably my least favorite day of the year.  I hate the spring version of Daylight Savings Time.  I'm looking forward to having extra daylight and I am super excited that sandal weather is just around the corner but this day kills me.  It's amazing how losing one little hour can make the day feel so much shorter.

But back to the cookies.  These were quite tasty.  The malted flavor isn't overpowering and plays against the creamy filling well.  We preferred the cookies when they were cooked slightly less than the recipe calls for resulting in a tender cookie instead of a crispy one.  Also, I got far more yield than the 30 I was expecting making this a great recipe to use when you need piles of cookies.

Please visit Baked Sunday Mornings for the recipe!


  1. Glad you're back and blogging. Yummy looking cookies!

  2. so true! today goes by so fast! your cookies look great!

  3. We agree...the just underbaked cookie is best for these sandwiches. Your cookies are really fact, everyone seems to have enjoyed success today. Hope to read your post next week...sometimes it is hard to get all the write-ups done.

  4. I just posted on FB that Daylight Savings Day is my LEAST favorite holiday. Honestly, given that the days are getting longer anyway, I wish we could just do away with it! I totally agree that cookie sandwiches require a tender cookie!

  5. Glad you're back! Blogging is really time consuming, so it's good that you allowed yourself to take a break. I have been tired all day!

    We loved these cookies, too!

  6. I am not a fan of springing forward either....but your cookies look great! Glad you blogged about them.

  7. I feel the same way! Don't care right now!

  8. Daylight Savings needs to go away... But your cookies look great! :D

  9. This recipe looks delicious. Do you know the nutritional values? If you post it on they will calculate it for you and you can get paid for posting recipes.


Tell me what ya think!