
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tilapia Piccata

I was lucky enough to spend last week in Spain.  Barcelona is one of my favorite cities and while my daughter and I were enjoying the warm sunshine shopping along Passig de Garcia, I lost my most favorite thing - my fitbit.

A fitbit is an expensive pedometer and I have become slightly obsessed with it.  I didn't think a tiny electronic gizmo could motivate me so much but it has.  Wearing it has motivated me to exercise more, drink more water, and is directly responsible for me dropping a few pounds.  So I was devastated when I realized it was gone.  We retraced our steps and asked in all of the stores we were in, but it was gone.  By the way, Spaniards don't really know what a pedometer is but everyone was very kind.

What does this have to do with Tilapia Piccata?  Not much, other than serve as an example of my new found commitment to eating healthier more frequently.  I modified the original recipe a bit to use real butter (I don't believe in reduced fat butter) and used vegetable oil to get a bit more crisp on the coating. This little dish came together very quickly and was a delicious way to serve tilapia.  

Oh, and I contacted the company about my lost fitbit and they are sending me a replacement!  
Tilapia Piccata
adapted from Skinnytaste

4 tilapia filets
salt and pepper
2 egg whites
2/3 cup bread crumbs (I use a mixture of plain and panko)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
juice of 1 lemon, lemon halves reserved
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth
1 tablespoon capers, drained
sliced lemon, for serving
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

Season fish with salt and pepper.  

Place egg whites in shallow dish.  Place bread crumbs in a second shallow dish.  Coat each fish filet in the egg whites and then dip in the bread crumbs getting a good coating on both sides of the fish.

Heat the vegetable oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat.  Place the fish fillets in the skillet and cook about 3-4 minutes on each side, until the fish is done and the bread crumbs are golden brown.  Set fish on a platter and set aside, keeping warm.

Add the butter, lemon juice, lemon halves, wine, and chicken broth to the skillet.  Stir and let it come to a boil.  Cook, letting the mixture reduce in half, about 3 to 4 minutes.  Discard the lemon halves, add the capers, and then spoon the sauce over the fish.  Garnish with lemon slices and parsley.


  1. I love my fitbit!! I just got mine back at the start of March, but I'm completely obsessed with it too :) I'm on a healthier kick lately too and this fish sounds amazing.


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