
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Baked Sunday Mornings - Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

I went back and forth about making Chocolate Hazelnut Spread for Baked Sunday Mornings all week.  At first, I was excited because I do love me some Nutella.  But then I thought why make it when it when the store bought stuff is pretty fabulous.  Skinning hazelnuts is one of the more frustrating kitchen tasks and the thought of spending a bunch of money on expensive and difficult nuts was not appealing either.  But at the last minute I found a bag of chopped hazelnuts on sale and decided to go for it.  

I'm so glad I made this recipe!  Since the step of skinning the hazelnuts was already done for me, it was simply a matter of whirring everything up in the food processor.  And the results were wonderful.  I loved the texture of my homemade version and that it was less sweet than the stuff from the store.  Just yummy.

As delicious as it straight from the jar, I used mine to make a over the top batch of brownies that I'll be sharing here in a few days.  If you are interested in making your own chocolate hazelnut spread, you can find the recipe by visiting Baked Sunday Mornings. While you are there be sure to check out what the rest of the group did with this recipe!


  1. Can't wait for that brownie recipe since I can't figure out to do with all the spread!

  2. Your version looks so pretty and silky smooth! And I covet your spreader.

  3. Looks yummy! How lucky to find skinned hazelnuts!! That definitely makes it more appealing to make this recipe. Great Job! I can't wait to see your brownies.

  4. I love Nutella, but this is definitely on the "buy" not "make" list for me... Lol! Looks yummy, though! :D

  5. Looks great! Will be looking for that brownie recipe!

  6. like everyone else - looking forward to your brownie recipe. i also thought this would be awesome swirled into some banana bread or banana muffins! or maybe sandwich together some peanut butter cookies with it? yummmm


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